Flysch is a succession of clastic sedimentary rocks with ancient origins: the orogeny, the era when mountain ranges were formed, which typically consists of cyclic alternations of sandstone and clay layers. The word’s Swiss origin means ‘slippery slope’ and is an integral part of the old Geosyncline theory, developed between the late 19th century and the 1960s, which posited precise stages in the formation of mountain ranges. Specifically, Flysch comprises the sedimentary deposits formed during the deformation process by the sediments eroded by the rising mountain chain. According to modern tectonics, Flysch roughly corresponds to so-called foredeep and thrust-top successions. A characteristic feature of Flysch-type successions is that they are deposited at high sedimentation rates. Flysch is generally deposited in the marine environment by gravitational deposition: mainly submarine landslides and turbidity currents.
In the Ligurian Alps, Cretaceous flysch is characterised by typical fossil traces, called Elmintoids: these are fossil tracks left on the seabed by epibenthic, presumably limivorous life forms, living along the water/sediment interface and preserved as fossils in lithified sediments.
Antroposcene was born on these mountains, to bring people closer to the nature that surrounds them and remind them of the riches they’ve received from by these lands. These ancient lands have characterised our local area for thousands of years and must be protected and respected, as did our ancestors, who lived on them despite the difficulties of these harsh and steep terrains. With a lot of willpower, they made the area into a perfect cradle for human civilisation, which was able to blend with the land and reap its fruits without irreparably damaging it. This is Antroposcene: an open-air ethnographic museum with guided tours to rediscover the precious resources that surround us.

One of the Most Beautiful Villages in Italy
A medieval village in the heart of the Nervia valley, uniting history, legends, traditions, art and culture – from the Iron Age, through Monet, Renoir, and the Dorias, to the Rossese di Dolceacqua D.O.C.

Today known as the City of Roses
"San Giàixu", on the ridge of Monte Santa Croce, was first a fief of the Counts of Ventimiglia, then a municipality of the Republic of Genoa and a member of "La Magnifica Comunità degli Otto Luoghi" (The magnificent community of the eight villages).

Country pride
Hidden in the upper Crosia valley to escape the raids of the Saracens, Soldano is a town of ancient origins with a history steeped in agriculture: it's nestled among wattle, broom, roses, Rossese grapes, and Taggiasca olive trees.
Contact us
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Antroposcene is the open-air Ethnographic Museum that narrates the widespread rural heritage of the local areas of Dolceacqua, San Biagio della Cima and Soldano. 34 km of paths, 20 points of interest, 6000 years of dialogue between man and nature. Stories of a rural construct to be protected, nature and community returning protagonists, ancient 'nomeranze' that have in the Flysch stone the common element uniting places and people. An ethno-anthropological journey guided by digital media and immersive dynamics that enhances and gives voice to the precious good that surrounds us.
Contact us
mail: info@antroposcene.it
address: Via Roma, 50, 18035 Dolceacqua IM
facebook: @antroposcene
instagram: @_antroposcene_
twitter: @antroposcene
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