
Saturday 10 September 2022, 5pm – Antroposcene official opening
This will be followed by the touring theatre show DI ULIVI, VIGNETI, STORIE E SILENZIO (Of olive trees, vineyards, stories and silence)(words and direction by Amedeo Romeo), by Teatro della Tosse.

One of the Most Beautiful Villages in Italy
A medieval village in the heart of the Nervia valley, uniting history, legends, traditions, art and culture – from the Iron Age, through Monet, Renoir, and the Dorias, to the Rossese di Dolceacqua D.O.C.

Today known as the City of Roses
"San Giàixu", on the ridge of Monte Santa Croce, was first a fief of the Counts of Ventimiglia, then a municipality of the Republic of Genoa and a member of "La Magnifica Comunità degli Otto Luoghi" (The magnificent community of the eight villages).

Country pride
Hidden in the upper Crosia valley to escape the raids of the Saracens, Soldano is a town of ancient origins with a history steeped in agriculture: it's nestled among wattle, broom, roses, Rossese grapes, and Taggiasca olive trees.
Contact us
Feel free to use this space to ask for clarifications, information or to report something. Thank you.

Antroposcene is the open-air Ethnographic Museum that narrates the widespread rural heritage of the local areas of Dolceacqua, San Biagio della Cima and Soldano. 34 km of paths, 20 points of interest, 6000 years of dialogue between man and nature. Stories of a rural construct to be protected, nature and community returning protagonists, ancient 'nomeranze' that have in the Flysch stone the common element uniting places and people. An ethno-anthropological journey guided by digital media and immersive dynamics that enhances and gives voice to the precious good that surrounds us.
Contact us
mail: info@antroposcene.it
address: Via Roma, 50, 18035 Dolceacqua IM
facebook: @antroposcene
instagram: @_antroposcene_
twitter: @antroposcene
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